Thursday, September 23, 2010

Interview with the Existance.

So today we have a lovely surprise for our readers! I know we haven't been keepin' up to date with out posts, I personally blame Remy for that mishap, but we will get our asses in line! Our lovely treat for your guys is an interview with the wonderful authoress Lifelesslyndsey!

Existance: Tell me a little bit about yourself. Age, kids, etc? Whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Lyndsey: I turned 23 on the twelfth. Sometimes I forget my age, there are days I feel so much older, and days I feel like a stupid teenager. I only have one kid, and it will probably stay that way. She's two and a half, and kind of a little monster. She's also Team Jacob, but I don't hold it against her. I think she just likes dogs.

Existance: How did you get into Twilight? What made you like it, specifically? And which is your favorite book from the Saga?

Lyndsey:My husband had the books. He kind of has a secret, invisible vagina that makes him do, buy, say girly things. I think I'd just quit my job, and I was at home all day with my fairly young baby (she was crawling at the time, so she couldn't have been very old) and just picked one up and read it. I love reading, and even though I thought they were all written at a seventh grade level, I absorbed them all like a sponge.

Existance: How did you get into Twilight Fanfiction? Which pairings do you like the most?

Lyndsey: I wasn't actually actively looking for anything Twilight or fanfic related when I stumbled upon ffnet. I was actually googling the yearly lunar cycle for my mom. And it gave me Twilight Fanfic, I don't know how it happened, but it happened, and I've been hooked. I'm particularly fond of rare-pairs. None in particular, but PeterxBella, SamxBella, and something I hope grows on the fandom, AlistairxBella.

Existance: What are your favorite Twilight Fic Stories?
Lyndsey: Jeeze louise, I don't even know! How about instead of telling you my favorites, I tell you what ones made the biggest imfluence on me? IDreamOfEddy's fanfic phenomenon The Orbiting Meteor got me into PeterxBella pairing, she is the sole reason I ever wrote Pieces of Me. Then there is catonspeeds The Last Mile. I was talking to Lucy when Peter was still chairpire, she's been my brain link ever since. She read Once Bitten, Twice Shy when it wasn't even a story yet. She's the one who laughed at my silly jokes, and convinced me to post it. KittyCullen-03's Taste series brought me to the world of Jasper. Chicklettes Get Me To You was one of the first AH's I ever read and it made me cry and laugh, and cry some more.
Existance: Who are your favorite characters, and who do you hate the most?
Lyndsey: Alistair is my new favorite, but only because he's a blank slate, even blanker then Peter. Peter is up there though. I'm not really an Edward hater even though I always rip his limbs off in my fics. I don't like shoppy-girly-twit-Alice, or super-bitchy Rose, but other then that I don't really hate any of them. I do think that Stephanie Meyer went a little crazy creating characters. Some of them seem really pointless to me.
Existance: What are the current fics you are reading? And which ones has your complete attention when a new update arrives?
Lyndsey: Sadly, I've been out of the fandom a bit lately. I haven't been reading much of anything.Occasionally one of my dear friends will yell at me and make me read something or another, knowing I'll enjoy it, like givemesomevamps The Quiet Room, or BellaFlans Becoming Bella Swan, (both being totally awesome and hilarious) but I haven't actively sought out much. I have been planning on reading Bella Swan:Zombie Killer though. I should do that.....
Existance: What inspired you to join the writing community?
Lyndsey: Simply put, it was the sheer number of gawd-awful fic's in the fandom. Nothing kills me more then a good idea shot to hell by poor writing skills. Not every one can write, I understand that, I do. I'd read fics and I'd be like, "awefuck, I just wasted an hour of my life." And after a while, I started getting my own ideas. And then I started writing. My earlier fics are not so great, but when I look back on them, I can see myself grow as a writer, and really progress. It makes me smile.
Existance: What is the surrounding atmosphere like when you are writing? Do you have to do anything like smoke/drink to relax or bring in the thought bubbles?
Lyndsey: No clutter. Clutter kills me. I'm very easily distracted, so it helps when the kid is down, and TV is off, and the house is clean. Or at least what I see is clean. Cause if it isn't, I get twitchy.
Existance: What else do you have on your agenda to read?
Lyndsey: Mainly Bella Swan:Zombie Killer. My main focus is on writing, and not just for the fandom. I have some serious novels in the works. Things I'd like to see published. Fanfic has really helped me develop a style, and that's transfered heavenly into my original work.
Existance: Tell us a random secret.
Lyndsey: I'm mildly angoraphobic. I actually have medication for it. I have a horrible time meeting new people or going new places. I get so freaking nervous. I've even broken out into hives. It's kind of a pain. I mean, it's not so bad because I'm an aspiring writer, and have no real job, other then to care for my kid. I can stay in my tiny little apartment for two weeks straight without even going to the grocery store. Normally though some one comes by and drags me out. It's probably healthy that I get some sun. Also, I have really bad socializing skills. When I do manage to meet new people, I always over-share, and forget to filter my thoughts. No matter what any one tells you, sharing everything you think is usually a bad idea.
Existance: What are the current stories you are working on? What are they about,pairings?
Lyndsey: Once Bitten, Twice Shy is my second Peter fic. He's an angel-vampire who's only just come into himself when his family comes back to haunt him. He's madly in love with Bella, and while the general jist of the story is comedy, there is angst in there too. It's such a strange plot that I hadn't expected it to be so popular, but I broke 1000 reviews before I was even half way done with it. It's kind of mind blowing that people get so worked up over it sometimes. I always try to write back to my readers, because...they just....they tend to freak out in reviews. I'm kind of a Cliffy Bitch in that fic.
Hit and Run is the very first Alistair/Bella fic in the fandom (I'm pretty sure). I wanted to write an Alistair story before I ever had a premises for one. It just kind of came to me, slammed into me and demanded that I write it. I was really nervous about posting, because it's such a weird pairing. But I have 500 reviews and I'm not even 20k into the story. Which actually makes me more nervous because now theres like....expectations. I kind of feel like I'm painting the base for Alistair, like IDreamOfEddy did for Peter, and it's scary. It's probably going to end up being my favorite fic written.
I'm also working on a sequel to Mouth, called 5 Seconds To Death, another Peter story called Reaper, and a continuation of the EmbryxBella fic Awkward. I'mma be a busy lady.
Existance: Where did you get the inspiration for them?
Lyndsey: Bella and Peter are kind of....a gentle personification of myself in fic form. I'm not really that crazy. But I amagoraphobic, and paranoid, and sometimes aloof, and I'm mildly socially retarded. Some of the things (and I wont tell you which) in that fic are parts of my real life twisted to fit the story. Also, I have a sick obsession with Misha Collins, and wanted to write a Peter that wore a trench coat like Castiel does in Supernatural. Yeah, I can base a whole fic around that. It also displays a lot of my (albeit mild) religious views.
Alistair...well. He's a pirate. I don't know why. But Alistair is a pirate. I play Alistair (when I remember too anyways) over at Twilight Continued, and I was coming up with a background story for him, and thats why Alistair is a pirate. Other then that, I have no idea where I find my ideas. They usually find me.
Existance: Where did you get idea for Peter?
Lyndsey: Peter came from the movie Legend, hence his last name, and from the character Castiel on Supernatural. I just imagined an Angel vampire and the story kind of wrote itself from there. Peter's middle name, Micha, actually means Angel of Fate. I do a surprising amount of research for my fics.
Existance: Will Peter change Bella or not?
Lyndsey: *deadpans* every one dies in the end. No, but really, I can't tell you that! I'll never tell. But if I'm being honest, it could really go either way in the end, huh?
Existance: Will Peen always be around?
Lyndsey: Yes. Peen is awesome. Did you know that his breed is actually called the Peterbald? I did not know this until after making him what he is. Thats like an irony-taco sprinkled with some zesty fate cheese.
Existance: Where did Peen come from? Just a random floating thought or did you really think about Peen's role?
Lyndsey:Originally Peen was just meant to be a companion for Peter, some one for him to talk to, some wrinkly comedic relief. He was also going to be a girl, but we see how that turned out. However, Peen's developed into something more. I don't even know why, but I made him an angel minion. I just wanted him to be more then a cat. He's just that awesome.

Existance: Do you have any collaborations for the future in mind?
Lyndsey: Not really, I did do a collab with lacym3, written after a particualrly gory and zesty scene played out in an RP. But mostly, I think I'm to bossy to colab. No one wants to hear me go "How about you write it like this....and lets make this word this...and this word sounds better like this...." I'm kind of a control freak :)

And there you have it. The inner workings of Lifelesslyndsey's mind! Until next time!

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