Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Improv : Rainbows in a batch

Wow, it's been a long-ass time, but I'm here now! *winks*
So, it's Friday...Does anyone remember what happens on Friday? Yep, that's right! Friday Improv!!

Today's prompt came from Ohmyitsv and damn, does it look like a tasty one! Literally!
But even so, it's a tough one and I've been staring at it for nearly an hour. Will inspiration hit me or not. Oh what the hell, let's just start writing and let it come as we go, huh?

Here's the prompt:

"Mommy, I want a rainbow, a castle in the sky and two big unicorns for my birthday," Bella said softly, looking up at her mother with big, hopeful eyes. She wasn't going to get any of those. Even if those things were remotely do-able, which they were not, then her mother would never be able to afford such gifts. 

In fact, it was worse. Being a single mother, Renee simply couldn't afford any gift right now. She had used the last of her monthly income on bread, ham and spaghetti - on which they would have to survive 'til next week. There was simply no way to celebrate her daughter's birthday. 

Renee had secretly hoped that Bella had forgotten, but she wasn't that lucky. Pushing the swing, she looked around uncomfortably, trying to come up with an answer - any answer. 
Thankfully, she didn't need to think on it for too long, because Bella's attention had been drawn to the boy with fair blond hair, who had just walked into the playground with his mother. As Bella ran up to Peter, Renee followed, her stride hesitant and weary. 

Charlotte noticed and as soon as the kids ran off to play, she asked Renee what was going on. Listening to the poor woman, she was instantly hit with an idea and winked assuringly at Renee. 
"I can give her rainbows, don't worry," she said. "More rainbows than Bella can handle." 
Laughing heartily, she asked Renee to keep an eye on her boy and headed back home to whip up a batch of rainbow cupcakes. 

Well, that was it for me! See you all soon!

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