Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One Shot Baby!

Well hello there strangers! After having disappeared into the wilderness for the past while, and by wilderness I mean working away on my university work, I'm back to give you my one shot pick for this week. And this week I give you *drumroll*

There are few stories that have made me snickerfit quite like this one. Written for the awesome crackfic contest Round Mound Of A Beehound, and I promise it will make you laugh your fucking ass off.

Prince Jasper promises his dying father, King Carlisle, that he will keep his 'widdle wood' in his pants until he can marry. A week later a ball is to be held, at which King Carlisle hopes that his son will meet the right woman.
Meanwhile in the town of Yippee Bog, lives CinderBella, a poor orphaned girl who loves with her evil stepmother and her stepsisters. Approached with an invitation to the ball, CinderBella sets out to make her own dress after being cruelly taunted by her evil stepsister Tanya.
After CinderBella's home-made dress is ripped to shreds by her evil stepsister, the overly caffeinated fairy god-pixie shows up, waving her magic wand and dressing CinderBella in an outfit fit for a queen. Tasked only with keeping her identity a secret, returning by midnight, and making sure not to leave her bloomers behind, Bella sets off to the masquerade ball, where Prince Jasper is sure to be.

Now. I'm not going to spoil the rest of the story, because you just need to read it. If you haven't, you're just plain old missing out on one of the funniest things ever. So you know what to do. Clicky click the link, and be prepared to laugh your ass off.

One final warning. Make sure you're not drinking or eating. I deny all responsibility for laughter induced choking.


  1. YAY, this is an awesome story. I FLOVE it! Awesome rec!

  2. OMG! This is awesome! No words, really... this is wow... lol

    Thank you so much! :D :D :D

  3. You FLOVE it? That might be my new favourite word. And MissMaj, you're more than welcome hehe
